it's a lil bout me!

new life. new leaf.

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the theory of evolution or Darwinism states that the next generation inherits only a portion of the previous generation.
in some religion, it is believed that what we do in this life will effect the outcome of the next. this is what we muslims belief. in other faiths, it is believed that we will be reincarnated in many forms, throughout many lifes, ranging from the lowest caste, to the highest level achievable, the state of nirvana.
now, the saying to turn a new leaf means to start afresh. to start a new chapter. to reboot. usually this will happen when there's an unfortunate turn in life. hence, the new leaf. that's not the case for me though.
for i went through for the past few weeks was an evolution. it was exhilarating to say the least. i thought i was matured enough (though some of my friends would definitely disagree). i must say that i am quite surprised to find that it was quite the opposite (much to my friends amusement, of course!).
i thought i enjoyed my work before, boy, was i wrong! i know this will sound cliche, but i still have the rights to put my 2 cents up front, dont i? the environment in my new workplace surpassed even my imagination; and mind you me, to say that my imagination is borderless is an understatement. the feel-good-vibe and feels-like-family-bond is an experience ive never had the privilege to even dream before. though there are the occasional behind-the-back comments, but its kept under control most of time.definitely more control than most family.
but nobody's perfect, right?
the working hours are hideously out of bounds, the workload really defines the word load, and to say that my journey to the office is a relaxation as i only sit in the train is a direct lie.
but then again, no one gets everything, right?
all in all, i definitely say that this is a good deal.
but that's just a portion of my life.
for the rest of that awfully big portion, i cant even see any similarity.
things have gone downhill, though to tell the truth, i never did see the peak. i have friends all around, but the loneliness is killing me. in a way its my fault i guess. i had so many chances to amend, to repent, to make things right, to make it work. and with so many individuals too. maybe i had my faults too but what is a man, what has he got if not himself? i stood my ground, and i bled.PROFUSELY. but i didnt die. i merely passed out.
and when i woke up, i turned a new leaf.
now, it's a new life. ive evolved.
and i'm taking the first few steps with speed, not recklessness.
for today, i am a new man.

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