it's a lil bout me!

Many things..

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Since i last updated, many things happened in the world, Israel's wave of terror on Lebanon, Thaksin's fake bomb, 22 simultaneous bomb blast in Yala, Lina Joy, IFC, the sale KJ's shares in ECM Libra, the constant denial from him or Pak Lah, the Budget, the (yet again) discount on traffic summons (50% - 70%), death of the Croc Hunter..many things happened..

yet, i stood by, watching...

thinking to what end?

it has been this way since before i was born.

many have tried to lead, and failed, fell to the ground. turning from a dedicated hero to an old man with no power within days, only to wait certain death, either inside the prison, on the chair or even if acquited, dying in the hands of those who was brain washed by Westerners into thinking that they were oppressed by the man who is actually defending them from the real oppressors.

yet, who am i to say?

during the recent war on Lebanon, peaceful or not, gatherings, riots, talks, memorandums have been done, but what did we get out of it?what did the children of Lebanon got out of it? the UN only sent troops after the damage is done..unlike Bosnia..Somalia or any other places that have some or any benificial interest for the REAL powers that be of the world, the EU, US, and UK which all are backed up by the Zionists themselves.

all that transpired more than prove the existance of a massive, powerful organisation which control the world, financially, politically or what ever -ally there is.

so what do we do?


that's what i do.that's what i've been doing. thinking very hard on what we, the powerless majority could do to fight off this huge crime against humanity.

till we finally find the answer, think. that's all we can do besides praying. think, pray and stay united.

otherwise what else can the fool on the hill do?

and the fool on the hill,
sees the sun going down,
and the eyes in his head
see the world spinning round

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