it's a lil bout me!

Forever and ever.


I miss her.

Ive been trying my very hard too write a  tribute of some sorts for her. But i cant get myself to do it. It feels like Id be letting her go.

I'll never do that. Not ever.

What is so special about her, one may ask? To most, she is the best director, film maker, and story teller (mind you, all three ARE different). To many, she is the epitome of kindness, warmth, joy and laughter. To me, she is an angel.

Honestly, I never did like either Sepet, Gubra or Muhsin (though they are not in the lowest part of my list anymore). But I LOVE her commercials. One of the reasons I went into advertising was how she toyed with emotions and the many little idiosyncrasies of life, and I'd like to do that.

One day, my then girlfriend, Hanim Razak, told me that she is in this fan club of Yasmin's, the Storyteller Club or TSC for short. She told me about a screening of Rabun, Yasmin's first movie. Truthfully, I was not jumping out of my seat, then.  But I checked out her blog anyways , and put down my name for the screening.

It changed my life.

I fell in love with her kind hearted ways. Instantly.

Why'd I say kind? Well, most of my close friends would have known this story. You see, at the time of the screening, I was working in Spencer Azizul Advertising in Jalan Ipoh. As I live in Shah Alam and I hate to go through the jam, I went to work by KTM Komuter. On the day of the screening, I took off from office, took the LRT to LB. The screening started at around 830-ish, ended around 10pm.

Then, as usual(though I didnt know at that time), while we tried to finish the foods (not too hard, at her insistence and A LOT OF FOOD), all of us in the room chatted away about the movie which somehow went on to Anwar(it was "hari penamaan calon" that night).

After the smokok session, I looked at my watch and ITS 12-FREAKING-30!! MACAMANA AKU NAK BALIK???I panicked, of course.

Then, so shyly I asked..

"Kak Min, where can I take a cab?"

"Cab?You didnt drive meh?"

"No, I took the train, and now dah takde train dah"

"Owh, tak tau la. Maybe at LRT Masjid Jamek.Where do you live?"

"Shah Alam".

To which she said (to my surprise)

" can tumpang me then.."

Here I am, just another fan, a miniscule, a microscopic being in her eyes (that was what I thought at that time, she IS A BIG DIRECTOR, okay??) and she just offered me a ride.

I was dumbstruck but managed to nod.

I dont know bout the rest of you, but for me, offering a ride to someone you dont know, that you have just met, especially since in my mind, that she is a celebrity and me being a nobody, is SUPER KIND!

And from then on, I cant stop wanting to be close with her. The smses, the calls, the constant pestering of when-are-we-gonna-lepak-again. I jumped at every chance I get to see her. Every bit of her makes me miss her. Her smile, her off a bit taring, the way she lengkok her body when in mengada mode, her laugh.

Her assalamualaikum.

And I started to love her. Like I love my mum. 

Too bad I never told her that.

But I am telling her now.

I love you, mak.

I love you.

Forever and ever, mak.

Forever and ever.

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
  • View My Profile

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