it's a lil bout me!

Everyone knows everyone

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The title has is not in any way related to this here post. Just a thing I'd like to think of things to come.

After the interview at RHB, as I've told them that I used to write a fiction, it generally sparked that part of me again. The writing part.

Hence the two most recent updates to this blog.

I have even start my new fiction, entitled "The End". It is a zombie story. You will find all the gore, stomach churning, disgusting, belching, icky feeling that you might in Resident Evil, and all the other zombie stuff.

With a twist, if I managed to do it.

Read it. Feel for yourself. And dont forget to comment on it.

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  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
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