it's a lil bout me!



Ever since man has been able to think, plot, lust for power and domination, one of the biggest pursuit is immortality.

Death has always been feared, loathed, even hated. No one, especially in these modern times, embrace it, long for it; and those who does, are frowned upon, called names such as suicidal, terrorist.

So, all the brains of the world try and try again to find a cure for every ailment that ever came. Those who go mortally sick will try every way possible to prolong the inevitable. They seek immortality.

But lo and behold, a select few have achieved it. Though not in the way we would think.

Einstein, Newton, Edison, Graham Bell and all the great thinkers and inventors.

Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao and all who changed history.

Elvis, Lennon, Beethoven, and all those who composed.

See any similarity?

DEAD, yet immortal.

And the latest to join them, is my idol, Michael Joseph Jackson (and no, he never converted).

I still believe his innocence, his purity, his sincerity.

RIP MJ, you truly healed the world.

Michael Joseph Jackson, 29 Aug 1958 - 25 June 2009

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
  • View My Profile

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