it's a lil bout me!

A fork in the road


Folks come to this choice at certain point in life. or certain points in life.

I just had one of those points recently. Two to be precise.

You see, I have always had a thing about being in the creative field. Since I was small. I was the kid who would always draw. Anytime. Anywhere.

But everyone, I mean everyone keeps telling me that I have a knack in PR. I can talk. I can make strangers listen to me. Heck, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Period. My mom spent 20 years in PR, mass comm. My dad, 40.

So the thing is, before working in Shah Alam, I found myself lucky enough to work in Spencer Azizul, my earliest exposure in advertising. And found out I love it. And now, I got an offer to go work in CD advertising. It's like wishing for a car and getting a Limo.

Then, I got another opportunity. Working in Marcom & product planning. This road lies the opportunity that i wish i could have later in life. The 9-5 job. Stablility. Security. It's like lining up for AirAsia, and end up in first class MAS instead.

Left, lies the road to ultimate creative freedom, Right lies stability for the future.


But I guess i know which to choose.

On another note.

The other choice involves matters of the heart. But this corkscrew in the ride i call my life is another turn.

Though I hope this turn will finally let me reach the end point. So i can get off this bumpy ride and maybe go to the more slow and steady ride.

A boat ride perhaps.

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
  • View My Profile

  • ---===[Status]===---
    CRUXZ is

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