it's a lil bout me!

waahhhh!!so long aaa!


pergh!lama seh x blog!!i m too damn busy!!

1st it was the exams..tho it's not too tough!but da assignments...pergh!!tercabut kapla!!i didnt even av time to sleep!!tensen maaa!!!

then dah abis tu ingat holiday...cet!!holiday habis!!!this year the istiadat pentauliahan kadet PALAPES IPTA was held at UiTM Shah sibuk..banyak giler workload...all d 2nd lt kna report tu various department...n i was attached to mende paling i hate...JEMPUTAN!!!!pergh...!!!n i was made the in charge lak tu...sleepless nites lagi...n then all the comments...dahla kja jenis start at 9am till 3pm d NEXT DAY but still ader org kata kja x commitment!!mcm bangsat!!

so now im finally free...but coz dah lama x blogging... so lembab sket bear w me!!!

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
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