it's a lil bout me!



i may not be as frequent a blogger as most out there, and i know for a fact that my blog doesn't have as many hits as many a blog out there, but this is my domain, and i'll shall say what i have in mind.

it's that time again, when we, the people of Malaysia, go out to vote. choose who we want to be our voice in Parliament, to be our representative.

to practise our rights.

but do we have a choice in the first place?

to speak freely, i used to be an avid fan of the ruling body. it may be because of my heighten sense of Malay pride, i chose to support them, to be Red and White, dulu, kini, dan selamanya.

but i guess selamanya doesnt last that long...

not to say that i support those who oppose, albeit it looks otherwise. i do believe that we need more unsupporting voice. i do believe someone should disagree. i do believe that someone should oppose.

that's democracy, isnt it?

but the thing is, who do i choose?

some might say that we have lots of choices.

i say, we dont.

well, maybe we do, but not viable ones.

but i do know this, i will make my stand. im not going.

maybe the next one. lets see how it goes.

but to those who will go, choose wisely. choose those who you trust.

choose those who can work.

those who can make a difference.

time to change.

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
  • View My Profile

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