it's a lil bout me!

stand up and be counted



i always tell those around me to stand up for their right. make their views heard, and hold their grounds with it.
a few weeks back i had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine. we were, well, actually, i was talking about the right of freedom of speech in Malaysia. it all started with us talking about tinted car windows. then it went to why the f**k the RTD (JPJ) disallowed the rest of us (i.e not VIPs) to tint our car windows. i went on and on about that that should not be a case.

then, my friend said that i'm just sampah (rubbish).


because to him, just saying what you think without anyone hearing it, just dont talk about it.

i disagree.

for me, even if no one hears you out, you should always express your views.even if it's wrong. especially if it's wrong. i mean, how will you know your views are wrong in the first place if there's no one to hear it; let alone correcting it.

and let's just say that your views are right. and you manage to somehow convince your colleagues to agree with you. what then?

yes, there is the huge possibility that none other outside your circle will even hear it.

but huge is NOT absolute, right?

if the general public dont even have the right to have a "politik kedai kopi", what do they have?

all the great politicians started off alone. almost always regarded as a fool or a lunatic. but only in the beginning. the word starts to circulate, expand as more and more heard it, and came to the same conclusion.
that was how UMNO started right?

and from UMNO it became BN, and BN is the government.

and now, who's the one that suppress the general public's views? (though they may say otherwise)

i'm NOT talking politics here. it's not my place to say that. i'm not qualified to say these things.
but dont take my word about the suppression. go and check it yourself.

but still, whether it's suppresed or not, express yourself.

talk.speak.let it be heard.

be yourself.

"for what is a man, what has he got,
if not himself, then he has naught,
to say the things he truly feels,
and not the words of one who kneels."

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
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