it's a lil bout me!

8 Simple Rules


The rules are as follow :-
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game n leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Here it is..

1. She is wise.
Well, intelligent and wise.I dont even care if she's smarter than me.Most of the time,NOT ALL the time.(dats pushing it kan?)

2. She is a fighter.
She stands up for her rights.Knows when to be Xena, yet knows when to be the damsel in distress,waiting for her knight in shining armour.

3. She is traditional, yet exceptional
Comprende?She is traditional in every way, her walk,her talk, anything and everything.Yet..once a while,once in a blue moon,I'd love her to be daring..maybe a menage a trois,perhaps?lol...

4. She is beautiful..both inside and out
Need i explain more?

5. She understands my joke and can stand it
Well,lets face it,my jokes are sometimes very sharp, and some..and other times are very difficult to comprehend let alone understand.

6. She is a lady
all the stuff women demand that they want a gentleman makes them forget something, you must be a lady for you to meet a gentleman. and nowadays, a man cant be gentle all the time..its bad for your health!!

7. She is practical
Knows when to be very ladylike yet knows when to be independent.Nuff sed!

8. She loves me for who I am
Not for who I can be or supposed to be..I cant be a pretender..and if she loves me for who i pretend to be, then she doesnt really loves me,and that means, we are not meant to be..

Heavy huh? yeah...I need to lie down..

bdw...nak tag sapa?who else read dis?

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
  • View My Profile

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