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Istiadat Pentauliahan DiRaja Kadet PALAPES IPTA ke 25

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tomorrow is the d-day, the big day. tomorrow, the first batch of ROTU (reserve officer training unit) UiTM Melaka will be commissioned as officers. special kids that lot (not in a retarded way). special place in my heart. why?

i took them in, train them, be in charged of their everything (in army), just the same feeling that a father would have if his sons or daughters excel in life. their like that to me. though the age gap is very close (3 years mostly), the way that i was involved in "bringing them up", made a big impact in my life. safe to say that though 'koleq' gave me an edge in my confidence boost, being the only active Y.O for a while, with vast responsibility and very, very heavy burden, took my confidence level i never knew i could get to.

further enhancing my pride on them is the fact that a Malacca cadet will get the Best Cadet Award (UiTM) out of his squad from all four ROTU UiTM (Shah Alam, Dungun, Arau and Malacca). plus, the Best Academic would also be for a Malacca cadet.

and all this comes from a combination of 'anak angkat', no hq, no support, no facilities, looked down, and trained and taken care of by a Y.O giler/ anak dato' giler..

funny how it all worked out kan?

the only thing i regret about this batch is i couldnt be there for them for all 3 years.

but tomorrow i'll be there, watching every step with pride.

p/s: Istiadat Pentauliahan DiRaja Kadet PALAPES IPTA ke 25 will be at Universiti Malaya. starts around 0700.

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