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Lately, i have been reading up all things related to hidden conspiracy..i used to be a devoted believer, not caring wether the info is true or not.

now, i av changed.

i believe,knowing that i did my research.knowing that though it may be fabricated, stretched way before the line we can comprehend, there's some truth in it.

there is a conspiracy.there are

the biggest of em all, i must say is the conspiracy of the international bankers,the illuminati. read bout it in numerous books..but i find it most interesting in "Pawns in the Game". cant remember the author though.

then of course there's the Da Vinci code. just do a little research and you will know that there's truth in there. with some research, you'll know what to look out for.

even in our country, it exist.tho maybe the intentions are not as devious as those internationally, there is at one point exist a threat to the so-called stability and prosperity of our nation. even if they are just a facade made up by the government, we as the people of this nation, have to at least be cautious. there's even a link on this blog if in any case you guys may want to check it out. khairy chronicles. bear in mind to keep a VERY open mind. dont take in everything that's on the site. by doing that, with BOTH side of the argument (be it pro or anti govt), it's up to us to weigh the situation and come up with our own conclusion, our own understanding of it.

that's politics.

"politics is as clean as changing diapers. just know what to throw away, what to wash and keep. but it will always be messy and it will always stink"

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