it's a lil bout me!

it's been one week

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my granma passed away last week..on saturday, 18th february 2006. she was 86.

before dis, if anyone that i know died, i didnt shed even a tear. but she was different. she took care of me for few years when i was little. only two of us. me n my cousin, Tariq. sadly enough, both of us weren't there when it happened. Tariq, a pilot in dubai, couldnt come home, whilst i was in Perak. if i had gone there by car, i cud have came back. i wud have. but alas, it was a course trip and we were not going to go through KL. so, i missed it. the only chance to see her before they put her in eternal darkness. and come to think of it, none of her favourites but one was there. sad for me, sad for us, sad for her.

but what to do? que sera, sera.

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