it's a lil bout me!

Courtesy Campaign

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by now,i think most o us av alrdy seen d add in which a Malay guy refused 2 get up n gv d seat up 4 an old lady,a pregnant woman AND a blind,OLD man!few things dat i noticed tho'...
1st,d bad guy is a MALAY...n this in a way is a cruel parody,irony,n all d other -ny dat us,d MALAYS,d aborigines o Tanah Melayu,d one dats supposed 2 b d race dat is d most courteous,DONT!wake up guys!@ da rate we r goin,none o our future kids wud even say thanks..2 anyone!(wait a minute..hav u ever?)
2nd,he's young.he's d future generation(need i say more?)
3rd,HE THINKS HE'S RIGHT!just look at his face!
d point here is,dat d ad showed d true side of most o us,and it aint pretty..think about it,ait?
oh,i almost forgot bout handphones..d problem all o us face since it was made into mass production n became cheaper than a kilo of dried kembong.people,in short,lost their manners as a payment for all d advances in technology and wonder the Man upstairs is thinking bout ending it all..

change before it's to late,y'all....

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