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PoLiTicS iS DeFiNiTeLy NOT 4 Me!!

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CooL PiX HuH?Very PoliTiKUS!!AHAX!nwayz,ive been thinkin bout d shits dey called POLITICS..d reason i call em shits?COZ THEY ARE!!n i'm not even talkin bout d nation's politics,i'm talkin bout U's(or IPT's).dere exist a 'coalition' called d MPP(Majlis Perwakilan PELAJAR) in UiTM..but sadly,dey do NOTHING for d students!xcept 4 begging 4 our votes!i mean,they shud make a stand 4 d students NOT against em,rite?evrything in UiTM seems 2 b d other way round..n i'm not talkin bout MLK only..but d virus seems 2 affect ALL UiTM it seems..y cant ours b juz like UMs or UPMs?*sigh*

4 instance,parking.yeah, UM n UPM most o d students walk 2 class..but ave u been dere?it's a pedestrians haven!paved walkways w xtra roof 2 spice it up,add a pinch of zebra crossings and a grain o MANNERS!!dats y!!UiTM?try walkin dere n u'll either die of excessive Vitamin-D's or get hit by d F1-drivers-turned-UiTM-bus-Drivers!

maybe they'd say use d bus then..rite...the management promised 2 polish up d bus service n make it run evry 10 to 15 minutes..but hey,guess what?u can only c a bus actually stopping afta DOUBLE d time!n dats in S.Alam.i guess in MLK its ok cos its not to big a campus.

but dere's anuda thing bout MLK..1.students who don't av d privilige of stayin in college can bring their car 2 class,provided dat dey park it at d college!!stupid?
2.(not confirmed)starting next semester,all students MUST ONLY wear slacks 2 class.IS THIS A UNIVERSITY OR A BOARDING SCHOOL?3.d guards n staffs ere r ridiculuos beyond wat d mind cud comprehend.once a fren o mine was holding a wine glass n a can o Coke,happily walking 2wards d car 2 go 2 s alam w me 2 shoot an advert.he was stopped by a guard and was given a fine for "DRINKING ALCOHOL"!plus,his thumbdrive was taken,d guard said dat he belived it contained porn!!how Shitty can sum 1 get huh?

then dere's d stuff w d world's politics like d truce between Israel n Palestine..will it last or is it just anuda facade?WE cud only hope,huh?

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