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It's making headlines almost everyday. Tun's comments on the current admin. So what's all the fuss?

Claiming to be very liquid, the current administrators are now finding themselves in a very hot seat. Being under a microscope and to be scrutinised by the former premier makes the current uneasy.

The claims that they are open to criticism is nothing more than claims. Well, it been that since the beginning. Claiming to forever rid the 'under the table misconducts', plus the fact that the less provocative majority of the crowd has already tired of the former rule, they managed to get the most majority ever.

But through it all, it seems that they are actually not as clear as they claim to be. To say the least, why is it that the comments passed by Tun is considered to be poisonous and very dangerous? Why is it that those calls are said to be made by a deranged old man, who gave up his post unwillingly? With all the responses given, it is becoming very clear that the definition of democracy or freedom of voice holds a very different meaning all together for them than to the general public.

Yes, it is admitted that during the former premier's rule, not much can be said, or even if someone dared to, it will be heavily criticised. But the former did make it clear that criticism is not to be tolerated. Yet, when the current first came into view as the supreme, it was made public that all kinds of opinion are welcomed, be it the positive or not. We can very well see clearly now how thorough.

This is not a fierce attack on the current premier. It is just an opinion, from a very naive, general point of view. This is not to say that the 4th premier was without flaws. He has, time and time again. Yet time and time again he managed to get through it with turning the crowd's attention to something more 'useful', more grandeur, which brought some sort of achievement to Bolehland.

The 4th brought fame and some fortune for us. What does the 5th bring?

The general public would REALLY like to see it, the sooner the better.

But nevertheless, the general public do support the admin. Just make sure the admin too supports the public.

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