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today's the 6th june 2006. 666. the devil's number. the number of the beast. what's the fuss?

they say that 666 is evil, some even say it has something to do with illuminati (google illuminati - 666), the organisation that is responsible for every world war wether it's numbered or not ( refer to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia). they are also called the 'international bankers', in control of the UN, with resources from the Swiss Bank and the IMF. this group of people are long time considered to be jewish, yet the illuminati are just using various religions as their 'Pawns' in a game of international 'Chess' against the whole world. their aim? to gain total control of the world, be it economically, administration or even religion. this group is actually the children of the devil, doing his bidding in the world.

this is what i had gathered from various books (e.g: "Pawns in the Game", Red Fog Over America"). but there's one thing that caught my eye..

when i googled 666 + quran + gematrical, i came across something way more powerful than 666, it is the number 19.

just go the this link and read more


makes you think..REALLY think.

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