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Reopening 9/11

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Last night's 'Bulletin Utama' highlighted something. The person Rodriguez claimed to be an ex janitor in WTC and was present the last day WTC would stand, said that all of 9/11 was in fact an elaborated conspiracy plot devised by the administration of George W Bush under the watchful eyes of the Zionist. His statement was backed up by Jimmy Walter, founder of Reopen 9/11 (go to their site here ).

This came as to no surprise to me. I have been at least suspicious of the U.S government since they announce that Al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks. The way I see it, if that said statement was true, why did the campaign against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan ended so quickly? Whereas logically, to crumple the Al Qaeda network, one has to attack it at its heart, its head, Osama Bin Laden. Though the campaign in hunting down Osama, the culprit as U.S put it, failed to locate Osama's whereabouts (even to this very day), the U.S government stopped the search.

This was not the case for Iraq, however.

Bush used 9/11 and Al Qaeda threat to further staged his next strategy, the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). This was used as an excuse to enter Iraq. Even though there were no signs of the said WMD (which was proven as non-existant later), the troops were given strict orders to pursue and capture Saddam, dead or alive.

Bush, of course, had his reasons.

Iraq was against the U.S from the very beginning. Both Bush's wage war against that nation, where the father failed, and the son came out triumphant. Furthermore, Iraq is the only nation in the Middle East that dared to challenge the U.S openly. Saddam, though himself a tyrant, despised U.S government, as most of us now do, for the simplest reason. They treated Muslims all around the world with the utmost distaste.

Plus, Iraq had something they truly want. Oil.

If they were able to gain control of Iraq's oil reserves, they would be holding a majority of the world's oil share. (Bear in mind that they are in control of the Saudi's royal family, and they have already gain some control in Kuwait)

Next in line; Iran. Still using the same excuse, the Bush's government, under direct surveillance of Zionist, is edging to attack Iran within a few months time. Yet, now, they lack the momentum and surprise as they did with Iraq.

This is of course due to the ever growing crowd that oppose him, for many reasons. The lack of care for the troops in Iraq, the lies on the WMD, the undelivered promises, so many 'missed' targets that killed hundreds if not thousands of innocent people and the most recent, the ever growing demands from the public to reopen the 9/11 files.

Even the Americans are waking up.

For those of us who is still asleep, please, wake up. And let us wake the rest up together, Muslims or non Muslims.

Many of us are unable to donate thousands of ringgit for charity. Some of us needs charity. We cannot control the decision made by the government. We can oppose it, and make them amend it, but can never control it.

There's only one way.

Be well educated. VERY. Both street wise or otherwise.

Its up to us to change.

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