it's a lil bout me!

Forever and ever.


I miss her.

Ive been trying my very hard too write a  tribute of some sorts for her. But i cant get myself to do it. It feels like Id be letting her go.

I'll never do that. Not ever.

What is so special about her, one may ask? To most, she is the best director, film maker, and story teller (mind you, all three ARE different). To many, she is the epitome of kindness, warmth, joy and laughter. To me, she is an angel.

Honestly, I never did like either Sepet, Gubra or Muhsin (though they are not in the lowest part of my list anymore). But I LOVE her commercials. One of the reasons I went into advertising was how she toyed with emotions and the many little idiosyncrasies of life, and I'd like to do that.

One day, my then girlfriend, Hanim Razak, told me that she is in this fan club of Yasmin's, the Storyteller Club or TSC for short. She told me about a screening of Rabun, Yasmin's first movie. Truthfully, I was not jumping out of my seat, then.  But I checked out her blog anyways , and put down my name for the screening.

It changed my life.

I fell in love with her kind hearted ways. Instantly.

Why'd I say kind? Well, most of my close friends would have known this story. You see, at the time of the screening, I was working in Spencer Azizul Advertising in Jalan Ipoh. As I live in Shah Alam and I hate to go through the jam, I went to work by KTM Komuter. On the day of the screening, I took off from office, took the LRT to LB. The screening started at around 830-ish, ended around 10pm.

Then, as usual(though I didnt know at that time), while we tried to finish the foods (not too hard, at her insistence and A LOT OF FOOD), all of us in the room chatted away about the movie which somehow went on to Anwar(it was "hari penamaan calon" that night).

After the smokok session, I looked at my watch and ITS 12-FREAKING-30!! MACAMANA AKU NAK BALIK???I panicked, of course.

Then, so shyly I asked..

"Kak Min, where can I take a cab?"

"Cab?You didnt drive meh?"

"No, I took the train, and now dah takde train dah"

"Owh, tak tau la. Maybe at LRT Masjid Jamek.Where do you live?"

"Shah Alam".

To which she said (to my surprise)

" can tumpang me then.."

Here I am, just another fan, a miniscule, a microscopic being in her eyes (that was what I thought at that time, she IS A BIG DIRECTOR, okay??) and she just offered me a ride.

I was dumbstruck but managed to nod.

I dont know bout the rest of you, but for me, offering a ride to someone you dont know, that you have just met, especially since in my mind, that she is a celebrity and me being a nobody, is SUPER KIND!

And from then on, I cant stop wanting to be close with her. The smses, the calls, the constant pestering of when-are-we-gonna-lepak-again. I jumped at every chance I get to see her. Every bit of her makes me miss her. Her smile, her off a bit taring, the way she lengkok her body when in mengada mode, her laugh.

Her assalamualaikum.

And I started to love her. Like I love my mum. 

Too bad I never told her that.

But I am telling her now.

I love you, mak.

I love you.

Forever and ever, mak.

Forever and ever.



Ever since man has been able to think, plot, lust for power and domination, one of the biggest pursuit is immortality.

Death has always been feared, loathed, even hated. No one, especially in these modern times, embrace it, long for it; and those who does, are frowned upon, called names such as suicidal, terrorist.

So, all the brains of the world try and try again to find a cure for every ailment that ever came. Those who go mortally sick will try every way possible to prolong the inevitable. They seek immortality.

But lo and behold, a select few have achieved it. Though not in the way we would think.

Einstein, Newton, Edison, Graham Bell and all the great thinkers and inventors.

Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao and all who changed history.

Elvis, Lennon, Beethoven, and all those who composed.

See any similarity?

DEAD, yet immortal.

And the latest to join them, is my idol, Michael Joseph Jackson (and no, he never converted).

I still believe his innocence, his purity, his sincerity.

RIP MJ, you truly healed the world.

Michael Joseph Jackson, 29 Aug 1958 - 25 June 2009

Everyone knows everyone


The title has is not in any way related to this here post. Just a thing I'd like to think of things to come.

After the interview at RHB, as I've told them that I used to write a fiction, it generally sparked that part of me again. The writing part.

Hence the two most recent updates to this blog.

I have even start my new fiction, entitled "The End". It is a zombie story. You will find all the gore, stomach churning, disgusting, belching, icky feeling that you might in Resident Evil, and all the other zombie stuff.

With a twist, if I managed to do it.

Read it. Feel for yourself. And dont forget to comment on it.

A fork in the road


Folks come to this choice at certain point in life. or certain points in life.

I just had one of those points recently. Two to be precise.

You see, I have always had a thing about being in the creative field. Since I was small. I was the kid who would always draw. Anytime. Anywhere.

But everyone, I mean everyone keeps telling me that I have a knack in PR. I can talk. I can make strangers listen to me. Heck, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Period. My mom spent 20 years in PR, mass comm. My dad, 40.

So the thing is, before working in Shah Alam, I found myself lucky enough to work in Spencer Azizul, my earliest exposure in advertising. And found out I love it. And now, I got an offer to go work in CD advertising. It's like wishing for a car and getting a Limo.

Then, I got another opportunity. Working in Marcom & product planning. This road lies the opportunity that i wish i could have later in life. The 9-5 job. Stablility. Security. It's like lining up for AirAsia, and end up in first class MAS instead.

Left, lies the road to ultimate creative freedom, Right lies stability for the future.


But I guess i know which to choose.

On another note.

The other choice involves matters of the heart. But this corkscrew in the ride i call my life is another turn.

Though I hope this turn will finally let me reach the end point. So i can get off this bumpy ride and maybe go to the more slow and steady ride.

A boat ride perhaps.



i may not be as frequent a blogger as most out there, and i know for a fact that my blog doesn't have as many hits as many a blog out there, but this is my domain, and i'll shall say what i have in mind.

it's that time again, when we, the people of Malaysia, go out to vote. choose who we want to be our voice in Parliament, to be our representative.

to practise our rights.

but do we have a choice in the first place?

to speak freely, i used to be an avid fan of the ruling body. it may be because of my heighten sense of Malay pride, i chose to support them, to be Red and White, dulu, kini, dan selamanya.

but i guess selamanya doesnt last that long...

not to say that i support those who oppose, albeit it looks otherwise. i do believe that we need more unsupporting voice. i do believe someone should disagree. i do believe that someone should oppose.

that's democracy, isnt it?

but the thing is, who do i choose?

some might say that we have lots of choices.

i say, we dont.

well, maybe we do, but not viable ones.

but i do know this, i will make my stand. im not going.

maybe the next one. lets see how it goes.

but to those who will go, choose wisely. choose those who you trust.

choose those who can work.

those who can make a difference.

time to change.

stand up and be counted



i always tell those around me to stand up for their right. make their views heard, and hold their grounds with it.
a few weeks back i had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine. we were, well, actually, i was talking about the right of freedom of speech in Malaysia. it all started with us talking about tinted car windows. then it went to why the f**k the RTD (JPJ) disallowed the rest of us (i.e not VIPs) to tint our car windows. i went on and on about that that should not be a case.

then, my friend said that i'm just sampah (rubbish).


because to him, just saying what you think without anyone hearing it, just dont talk about it.

i disagree.

for me, even if no one hears you out, you should always express your views.even if it's wrong. especially if it's wrong. i mean, how will you know your views are wrong in the first place if there's no one to hear it; let alone correcting it.

and let's just say that your views are right. and you manage to somehow convince your colleagues to agree with you. what then?

yes, there is the huge possibility that none other outside your circle will even hear it.

but huge is NOT absolute, right?

if the general public dont even have the right to have a "politik kedai kopi", what do they have?

all the great politicians started off alone. almost always regarded as a fool or a lunatic. but only in the beginning. the word starts to circulate, expand as more and more heard it, and came to the same conclusion.
that was how UMNO started right?

and from UMNO it became BN, and BN is the government.

and now, who's the one that suppress the general public's views? (though they may say otherwise)

i'm NOT talking politics here. it's not my place to say that. i'm not qualified to say these things.
but dont take my word about the suppression. go and check it yourself.

but still, whether it's suppresed or not, express yourself.

talk.speak.let it be heard.

be yourself.

"for what is a man, what has he got,
if not himself, then he has naught,
to say the things he truly feels,
and not the words of one who kneels."



just read this and maybe you guys would understand why i always stood my grounds..

“Ideals are like the stars; you will not succeed touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and by following them you reach your destiny”

i dont know who came up with it but it generally sums up my views.

About me

  • People can call me crux...
  • Currently resides in shah alam, selangor, Malaysia...
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
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